17 Eylül 2010 Cuma

Glory of the Icecrown Raider - 10man

I am gonna explain some tactics for the required achievements, how to do them.
But first, let's see what are they and how hard they are:


All You Can Eat - By far, the most frustrating achievement. We played normally until phase 3, where the second tank would take cover behind the first Ice Block. As soon as his stacks went off he'd run in and taunt, the previous tank would take cover behind the ice block. When this tanks' stacks were gone, he'd shout out to kill the Ice Block and run in and taunt, the other tank going to the next ice block. Repeat. It's mostly a matter of control. We lost this one week because someone lagged and didn't notice he blew the stacks. To combat this, I reccomend the addon Smorgasbord. Just remember to turn it off if you're not doing the achievement or you'll see massive amounts of spam.


Your OT breaks behind the first block (he has 2 stacks, drops them 2 seconds after the block drops) then leave that block alive and have your MT drop behind it as well, who will then call for the block to be destroyed and taunt the boss again.

That way (given your DPS is alright), the block still dies before the seconds drops but your OT will have 3 stacks (instead of the MT having 4) when moving towards the second block, resulting in a maximum of 4 stacks when he breaks LOS hence giving you one extra stack (6 seconds) of fault tolerance.


Been Waiting a Long Time for This - Have the first person who gets the plague dispel it outside the group and just stack the remaining diseases. Nothing to hard, per se, but if you skip over 30 (say, having a 29 merge with a 2 giving you 31), you fail it, and it takes a bit of time. Furthermore, if you're short on DPS the Enrage timer might become troublesome.

This is simple to get. Here is how:

Raid Comp:
This actually does not matter a whole lot. You want a disc priest per normal LK mechanics, but really any normal raid comp will work. Some groups may want a DK Tank for easier add control, however a blocking tank will take less damage and thus require less healing. I highly recommend running a 3 healer comp. Obviously you want a group of people with a decent amount of Lich King experience so you are not dying in later phases after the time investment in phase 1.

1. Stack ranged and healers together in a tight clump. Have the OT tank the adds roughly 20-25 yards away from the raid.
2. In our example, the OT was to the left of the raid. The first person with the plague runs to the RIGHT and is dispelled.
3. The second plague goes out, this person runs behind the adds being tanked by the OT, is dispelled, and returns.
4. Every other plague receiver runs RIGHT to be dispelled away from the adds and raid. You DO NOT want 2 plagues in the adds if possible, it produces a chance of failing the achievement.
5. Burn LK down to about 72% then have DPS hard stop.
6. The plague continues to bounce after LK is pushed. You want to allow the plague to bounce to 30 less the number of adds you have up then push, maybe giving an extra 1-2 just in case. Normally, you can push LK at about 25-28 stacks depending on how many adds you have up.
7. The rest of the fight is exactly as normal.

What this does:
- Ensures that you do not merge plagues and accidentally go from 29-31 stacks (you must hit 30 exactly or you will not receive credit).
- Simple execution. Your raid members only need to be able to pay attention to DBM (or whatever they are using), count, and discern left from right. If members of your raid struggle with this, odds are you will struggle with basic fight mechanics later on.
- Ensures that you will not run out of adds before that plague has stacked high enough.

Your aim is to stack Necrotic Plague to 30 stacks, this has nothing to do with the Plague Siphon debuff on the Lich King. Simply stated, you want to track the debuff that is bouncing around, not the buff on the Lich King.

Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion - Simply don't slow the slimes. If you're not well geared bump this up a bit, as I imagine that, for a non-horribly overgeared group, this one could be pretty painful. The abom still has to eat the goo, but this does give him time to help out with DPS more, hurrying the fight along.

Regurgitated Ooze is a spell cast by the Abomination on a slime that puts a damage DOT on it and slows its movement speed by 50%. This achievement requires that you do NOT use this spell.

The biggest loss will be the movement speed debuff, without it, the slime will come at full speed towards the person it targets.

Everytime a slime spawns, the abomination should IMMEDIATELY beginning helping to melee DPS the slime as much as possible, ignore the slime pools until the individual slime is dead.

Green Slime - The slime will almost certaintly reach its target without a movement speed debuff, so everyone should DPS it down as much as possible, then stack up on its target when it reaches that person, so the damage is spread out. Once it knocks everyone back, DPS it again before it reaches its 2nd target.

Red Slime - You can kite these, but without the movement speed debuff its hard, we gave every raid member a swiftness potion to help out and it really made a difference.

Phase 3 of the fight does not involve slimes, so nothing is changed there.

One thing to note about the Abomination's damage output, it seems to be somewhat related to spec or what gear you have on (need confirmation of some sorts on this one). Our paladin who was controlling the Abomination was originally prot, and noticied his damage was significantly lower than when he was Retribution wearing DPS gear. So we had him go Ret and did 7 DPS, 2 Healers, 1 Tank for Phase 3. Yes, you can do one tank on Phase 3 assuming you have bloodlust and good enough DPS to burn the boss before the tank reaches 6 stacks of debuff.

Full House - First, pray to your god of choice to make the RNG kind. This one can be very frustrating if you don't get the right mobs turned. Empowered adherents don't count, by the way, so feel free to kill those. We had a hunter kite the deformed around and our OT simply kept aggro on the other mobs and ran around. This does mean your MT will not have a lot of threat, so be careful. If you feel safe doing it, you could have your OT taunt off aswell, but then you have to make sure no one uses any abilities that deal even incidental AoE damage.

Achievement Strategy:
For this achievement, your raid must leave the adds stated above up throughout the second phase of this encounter. In order to do so, you must plan which adds you will be killing and which adds you will be CCing, and when.
In our case, we have ALL the DPS on the boss until something happens to one of the first set of adds.
Deformed Fanatic - Kited around by our Hunter. CAN NOT let it hit anyone. Will one shot anything but a tank, which will die in 2 hits.
Reanimated Fanatic - Shackled by our priests.
Reanimated Adherent - Left alone. His damage should be easy to heal through.
After we have these three adds alive and the boss' mana pool is almost empty. We kill all remaining adds except for the marked three stated above. Once all the adds are dead, we bring her as low as possible and wait for the new set of adds. When the new set of 3 adds spawn, we immediately bring her down to keep from having any become Empowered, Deformed or reanimated.
Once she is down, tanks taunt off of each other when their threat debuff stacks get high and all DPS goes to her. Finish off the 6th add you do not need for the achievement. Blow Bloodlust and burn her down.

Make sure you have a decurser for the Curse of Torpor.
Having a priest or Paladin to CC an undead is good.
And having a Hunter is a very welcomed asset for his kiting abilities on the Deformed mob.

Youtube video of the achievement

Portal Jockey - Do this with 4 healers, if possible. Send 3 in through the portals everytime. It makes the fight go by faster, though you might have some DPS issues if your group isn't quite that well geared yet.

Dances with Ooozes - I'm not sure how hard this is in a properly geared group. You can either merge 2 small ones into a big one, and merge that with another big one, still only increasing the stack by one, or doing what we did - simply leave everyone out and nuking on the boss, only having an OT ready in case a few melee get it and it grows in size.

How to: This is a very complicated boss fight which requires skill, timing and situational awareness from all members of your raid group.
To start, spread out all around Rotface as much as possible. He will be solo tanked by your MT in the center of the room where he stands due to Ooze Flood which will encompass a quarter of the room at any given time.
You need to spread this way to avoid Slime Spray which is a spray that targets a random raid member and must be avoided. Have the member that is targeted move away, and back again when the spray is over.
The OT will be running around the room and kiting the Oozes around. 1 Small Ooze will spawn after Mutated Infection dissipates from the raid member. (It can be dispelled) 2 Small Oozes will merge together when within range of one another and gain 2 buffs. One is an AoE damage Radiating Ooze and the other is Unstable Ooze which stacks up to 5. (6 Ooozes)
As the Oozes grow in size with each stack... they do significantly more damage and can not be tanked. They must be kited. Once the stack reaches 5 the Ooze casts Unstable Ooze Explosion and rains down Ooze all over the raid at the location of each member at the point of explosion.
That is pretty much it, however, the Oozes spawn small puddles that you just need to avoid.

Now for the Achievement!
In order to get this achievement, you must coordinate the spawning and merging of the Small Oozes.
To keep the large Ooze from reaching 5 stacks and exploding, you need allow the oozes that spawn to stay on the current target that obtained the debuff.
Once the oozes start spawning, it is a DPS race and you must burn Rotface down as fast as possible before you get overrun by oozes.
In the case that 2 oozes merge, make sure you have your off tank there to pick up the ooze and begin kiting.
You need to try and keep 1 ooze on each person, this is easily healable, however, if too many spawn... just wipe it and start over.


Make sure the OT is taunting the Large Oozes ASAP to avoid raid damage.
The tank CAN run through the slime in the room. It will help kite the Ooze and your healers should be able to heal him through it.
Have good healers.


Flu Shot Shortage - Have the first two people who get the debuff run out. Then, the next time, have the peopel that got the first batch run out and everyone should have one stack. Then for the third and final, have everyone clump up. Should someone get the debuff twice in a row, just make sure they run out on the third. This one's a bit RNG, I suppose - I guess there's a chance the same person gets the debuff 3 times in which case, just wipe it up and try again. The damage should be fairly easy to heal through.

Detailed how-to:
This boss is pretty much a tank and spank, however there is very little movement involved.
Festergut will start the encounter by filling the room with a Gaseous Blight. At certain intervals (Time TBA) he will cast Inhale Blight and do an AoE raid damage. After this occurs, he will attack 30% faster and do 30% more damage per stack, up to 90%. To counter this you must stack Inoculated.
To become Inoculated, Gas Spores will appear over 2 random players' heads and everyone must run to them within 12 seconds to receive the AoE explosion from the spore.
Also, you will need 2 tanks for this encounter due to Gastric Bloat which will increase the tanks damage done by 10% per stack, however it will make the tank explode at 10 stacks. Have the OT taunt as soon as the first tank gets 9 stacks.
The last thing you need to look out for is Vile Gas. It will cause the target to throw up, and if within 8 yards of another player, will cause them to throw up too.

Now for the achievement!
In order to get this achievement, you must have good communication and good healing throughout the entirety of the fight.
The way to do this is to have each of the first two people who get the spores be the only ones to get the debuff. However, the second time around, you need to have everyone EXCEPT the first two get inoculated.
So right now, you should have everyone at 1 stack. Good.
After everyone is at one stack, you need to have EVERYONE get inoculated on the 3rd spore, which will bring everyone to 2 stacks and 50% resistance.
Now in order to finish the boss off and get the achievement, you must make sure to pop Bloodlust and any damage reduction right before Pungent Blight in order to survive... Everyone will be taking massive amounts of damage.
If you survive Pungent Blight, good job, finish him off and grats on the achievement.

Act accordingly if someone get the spores more than once. If someone gets it 3 times however, bad RNG, wipe it and start over.
If you aren't killing him before the 2nd Pungent Blight, try 2 healing it to burn him faster.
Have good healers.

Once Bitten, Twicy Shy - Not a very hard achievement, in fact, many will get it incidentally. That said, just arrange bite orders properly and if someone doesn't want to get bit, make sure they don't attack the boss until the first bite's gone out. If you can get her down in Heroic, you should not have any issues with biting the 'wrong' people. Will take more than one run to get, however.

I'm on a Boat - Split the raid into half. We left the cannoners on our ship at all times, so each jumping group consisted of 4 players - though you can arrange 5 peopel to jump, if you so chose. Have the first group jump the first two times, and then the second group the last two. After they land the second time, make sure they stay put on the ship in case there's a fifth freeze. Furthermore, don't have them jump around on the ship - It might count as landing an extra time.


These ones you, essentially, get by killing the boss in question normally. If you're capable of doing the heroic modes, you probably have the achievements already. But, in case not...

Boned - Make sure that everyone attacks the bone spikes immedeatly. This can be rough in heroic because of the spikes popping up in the Bone Storm phase aswell, so you might want to do it on normal.

I've Gone and Made a Mess - Avoid the beasts like the plague, and don't stand to clumped up. Getting 3 debuffs is common in the Heroic version of the fight, so again, I advice doing this on normal.

The Orb Whisperer - Make sure that the tank on the Shadow guy has his stacks high, and soak as much as possible of the empower flame orbs when the fire guy has the orb.


Neck-Deep in Vile - This one's not required for the Meta anymore, and as such I haven't done it. It appearently requires pretty heavy ranged AoE stacking, but I really can't comment. It looks pretty rough, though.

In detailed way:

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