17 Eylül 2010 Cuma

Icecrown Citadel - Sindragosa

Sindragosa Tactics Basics:

The Sindragosa tactics basics are all about switching between Sindragosa's ground phase and air phase.
Sindragosa Abilities:

Frost Aura:
Sindragosa does 4.4K Frost damage every 3 secs raid wide.

Unchained Magic (debuf):
Spells cast by the target will trigger backlash after 8 seconds, and will cause 2K damage. Stacks the more spells are cast.

Cleave (physical AOE):
Sindragosa does normal damage plus 50 to an target and up to 10 nearby players.

Permeating Chill:
Sindragosa reduces movement speed of melee players hitting her by 1000% for 8 sec seconds.

Frost Breath (frontal cone AOE, 1.5 sec cast):
Sindragosa does about 40K Frost and reduces targets' attack speed and chance to dodge by 50% for 6 sec.

Frost Beacon:
Sindragosa marks a target for imprisonment in an Ice Tomb

Ice Tomb (AOE CC):
Sindragosa put Ice Tomb on the target and enemies within 10 yards. Ice Tombs have 786k HP.

Frost Bomb (10 yards AOE):
About 6K Shadow damage to target and players in 10 yards range.

Tail Smash (Physical back cone AOE):
Sindragosa inflicts 11250 to 18750 damage on enemies behind her and knocks them back.

Blistering Cold (AOE, 25 yards, 5 seconds cast):
Sindragosa does 35K Frost damage to enemies within 25 yards

Icy Grip (30 yards pull):
Sindragosa pulls all nearby enemies to her.
Sindragosa tactics step by step:

Sindragosa Tactics Step 1:
Prepare all frost resistance tools (auras etc, if necessary switch a couple of gear to frost resist).
In Adittion you may want place smoke markers on the ground where you want the Ice tombed players to go (read below).

Sindragosa Tactics Step 2:
Position your raid to her side, to avoid her frontal and back cone AOEs. Don't stand too clumped together.

Sindragosa Tactics Step 3:
When frost breathe hits it lowers the dodge of the tank by 50%, remove it ASAP.

Sindragosa Tactics Step 3:
When melee start stacking too much of the chill debuff (from attacking her) they should stop attacking for a while until it wears off.

Sindragosa Tactics Step 4:
When Sindragosa pulls everyone to her run away ASAP to avoid Blistering cold that will be cast right after

Sindragosa Tactics Step 5:
Sindragosa will start lifting up in the air, all raid need to run away to the entrance.

Sindragosa Tactics Step 6:
As Sindragosa lifts up she will mark the players that are about to get Ice-Tombed. They need to run away from the raid and stand in a group between the raid member sand Sindragosa, to create a protective wall out fo the ice tomb, but not too close, as they may kill each other when the ice cube lands.
A good place can be on the bottom on of the stairs, where the rest of the raid can clump up on the top on the stairs and be protected from Sindragos's breath. .

Sindragosa Tactics Step 7:
When Ice Tombs appear the raid switchs to DPS them to free the trapped players, make sure you leave at least one of them up as a wall to hide behind as long as Sindragosa is still in the air and attacking. .

Sindragosa Tactics Step 8:
While this is going to, Sindragosa will drop frost bombs on the floor. You can see where they're about to land: it's the ice swirl patches on the ground. Move away from it, and hide behind the icecubes to avoid damage. .

Sindragosa Tactics Step 9:
Sindragosa lands, get back to step 2

Sindragosa Tactics Step 10:
When Sindragosa reaches 30% health she stays on the ground but conitnues her abilties. In addition she will put a stacking debuff on the entire raid that increases damage done to them. Have the Ice-Tombed players run to a predertmined location.

Sindragosa Tactics Step 11:
While on the ground she will keep Ice Blocking indiviidual players, they should run to separate places in alternation (good places may be the near her head an near her tail) so that players can keep those places clear for the Icu Cubes to go off and then use them as a shield when her debuff gets too high (once out of LoS from Sindragosa the Debuff will reset).
This includes the tanks that need to rotate every few stacks to clear the Debuff.

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