17 Eylül 2010 Cuma

Icecrown Citadel - Professor Putricide

Putricide tactics Basics:

The Putricide tactics basics is split into 3 phases, the second being the most complicated, and the third one being a DPS race. One of the offtanks will need to mutate itself into an abomination add at the start of the fight for the Putricide tactics to work.
Putricide main abilities:

An abomination is actually your offtank that in the start of the fight runs and drinks a potion from potion table. He will then be able to:
Eat the slime pools that Putricide creates. This will also charge them with energy.
Slow down the clouds and slime adds that spawn in the fight (they chase players)
Use the "leftovers" energy to put a debuf on Putricide to increase the raids damage.

Mutated Slime (AOE, about 4.5K damage / second):
Putricide creates a slime AOE at the targets location, that keeps growing. Should be eaten by Abomination.

Putricide summons an Oooze to chase a player. The player is rooted in place, and when caught explode for massive damage split between nearby players, and create a new ooze..

Gas Clouds:
The gas clouds will chase players like oozes, and link themselves to that player, doing massive damage to him. However, they can't be killed. The damage they do will just gradually fade. If they reach the player they will do massive AOE damage.

Choking Gas Bomb (exploding AOE, about 5.5K damage/ second):
Professor Putricide throws Gas Bombs around him that explodes after 20 seconds for 16K damage.

Malleable Goos are bouncing slime balls that target someone in range and they hit anyone on their path. These should be avoided at all costs.
Putricide tactics step by step:

Putricide tactics step 1:
Phase one starts until Putricide is down to about 80%

Putricide tactics step 2:
Have your main tank pull Putricide, and have one of you offtanks (you need 3 in 25 mode) run to the table and turn into an abomination.

Putricide tactics step 3:
Putricide is tanked facing away from the raid.

Putricide tactics step 4:
Putricide will start forming slime puddles on the floor. Avoid them and have your abomination eat them ASAP.

Putricide tactics step 5:
Putricide will form the first Ooze. Your abomination should slow it ASAP and DPS should kill it.

Putricide tactics step 6:
If you think the Ooze will reach the rooted target, have the closest players clump on said player to split damage, and quickly switch to the new Ooze.

Putricide tactics step 7:
Quickly after Putricide should drop to 80%, when he does phase 2 starts and he will stun the raid for a few seconds, and then start using his abilities more frequently.

Putricide tactics step 8:
Avoid the bouncing goos

Putricide tactics step 9:
When a gas cloud spawns and start chasing a player, have your Abomination slow him and the player keep running from it until the damage fades.

Putricide tactics step 10:
If you abomination notices his energies are too low, have him leave one puddle on the floor as a "food source"

Putricide tactics step 11:
Make sure the Putricide reaches 35% health with no adds alive and no puddles on the floor.

Putricide tactics step 12:
Putricide reaches 35% and stuns the raid when switching to phase 3

Putricide tactics step 13:
Your abomination turns back into an offtank, and he should join the main tank and they need to rotate every few stack of a debuf on the tank that causes raid wide damage. Ideally you will switch every 3 stack of the debuf, and in 25 run will need 3 tanks for the purpose.

Putricide tactics step 14:
Since there will be no abomination to eat puddles on the floor, it is a matter of time before the whole room is flooded, making this phase a DPS race. Burn all DPS cooldowns and finish Putricide.

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